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Continuing Professional Development Program (CPDP)

Integrating Assessment with Instruction

November 10, 2018

7:30 am to 12:00 noon at the St. Paul University, Quezon City, Cor. Gilmore, Quezon City


Download the powerpoint here.

Download the book Classroom Assessment Resource Book here.

Download letter of invitation here.


The CPDP on Integrating Assessment with Instruction aims for the participants to:


(1) Devise ways on how to conduct assessment while teaching to better support learners needs;

(2) brainstorm on varied ways to support students who are detected to have difficulties in the lesson; and

(3) create a lesson plan that integrates assessment with instruction.


The seminar will be an opportunity for participants to clarify the intention and principles of classroom assessment and how it is translated to practice. The seminar will start with an introduction about the basis on the integration of assessment and instruction, examples of practices on the integration, and principles on how it is implemented. 


The registration fee for the CPDP is Php 1,000.00 which includes conference materials and snacks.


Registrants can pay through bank with this account:



Account Number:   004103-0466-32

Bank:                         Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI)

Branch Address:      Masangkay-Mayhaligue


To acknowledge payment, please scan your bank deposit receipt with your full name, school, and cell phone number, and send to


For more information about the CPDP, you may inquire through Dr. Violeta Valladolid, PEMEA Secretariat, in her mobile phone at 0956 574 8769 or email:


Reservations to attend the convention can be sent to

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